Hi there i thought while you were whistling away awaiting for the challenge blog to kick off that you might like to meet the DT!
We have affectionately been nicknamed the Hazel Nuts due to our fairy being called Hazel.
So let me introduce you to:
I started crafting
a couple of years ago but decided to take the plunge with blogging and entering
challenges about a year ago...I enjoy card making, etc. I am happy to try
anything. I have a number of illnesses (inconveniences) so i decided to
take up another challenge to occupy myself and that challenge which i must say
takes my mind of my pain and problems and focuses me on something positive is
putting together my challenge blog called Through the Purple Haze Challenges. I
have a lovely design team and some great sponsors.I am always being asked what
made me decide on that particular challenge name .....the truth.....PAIN....to
me i see the world through a purple haze especially on the bad days. But
even though i have my problems i know there is always someone worse off than i
am and i t grounds me and stops me feeling sorry for myself...
Sixteen years ago life changed dramatically over night. I went
from a very active working Mum, to a very disabled Mum! I have M.E. (related to
Post Polio Virus), a Heart Condition and Sciatica in both
legs.....so yes life changed. Up till then i had been a knitter, crocheter and
baker, but due to my fatigue and pain many things that were easy are now
impossible. Watching a Craft Show on Cable and saw this lady making Christmas
cards and decided to give it a go....and here we are 16 years later still
making cards and loving every minute of it. I do not sell i make and donate to
a Scottish Children's hospice, to help with the fundraising....this gives me
such a warm fuzzy feeling, knowing i am helping in my own way. I have a life
but not the life i expected when i was about to retire....but its a positive
life and i enjoy every minute of it. Recently i was asked to come onto a Design
Team, i am very proud to have been asked and hope to do my best for the
sponsors and the team.
I am an Enthusiastic Mixed Media Experimenter, Nothing to be
taken at
face value.. everything can be used in so many ways if
you think outside
the box... so I do! Instructions?? Absolute last
resort! Normality is over-rated,
the fun is in the unknown when it comes to trial and error..Having
said that... I confess, I do have the best fed waste paper basket for
miles!!! Married
with two kids (usually feels like three if you include hubby) and two adorable putty cats who think they live on my
desk..... My ginger boy cat often has multi coloured paws from walking on wet
work! Hubby doesn't "get" what I do, but I am used to the
rolling of the eyes now, and I ignore him, and just do it bigger, better
and brighter.....Soooooo looking forward to seeing what we can all produce for the Blog... I am
so excited!
I am a busy mum of 4 kids, although 3 are grown up, 2 have left the
nest, so just me, hubby and my boys at home. I'm a nana to 5.
When my youngest daughter moved out I gained a craft room.I have
always been interested in making things and at my happiest when i've scissors and glue in my hands
Hello I'm Tanja. Some call me TJ or Tee. I'm a 37 year. Live in
Raleigh, North Carolina,USA. I have
been crafting for 10 years. Just got into digis and copics a year ago. Love to try new crafts.... always
something brewing in my mine. This is my 2nd
DT position. I'm over the moon!!!
(Just a wee bit nervous... LOL )
I am very blessed
to have a wonderful husband, great son and daughter-in-law,
and two oh-so-precious grandchildren. I also have four cats and two dogs that
are also my "babies". I work full time at our family
business in the United States. Besides crafting and cardmaking, I also
love to scrapbook, garden, read, clean house (yes, I really do), and hang
out with friends and relatives. My favorite way of relaxing is
to make cards and mow our acreage with my new lawn tractor. I hope to
retire in a few years and then will have so much more time for my
Hi I'm Lynne I live in beautiful Ayrshire in Scotland. I have a wee boy and a crazy old black cat. I also work part-time in housing. My passion is papercrafts which I have dabbled in for the last ten years or so. I have had my eyes opened through the blogs I follow and the facebook groups I am in, there are some amazing crafters out there! xxx
Hiya, I'm Sian. I am 29, married to Mark and
have to boys Andrew (7) and Anthony (Tony 5). We live in Amesbury, Wiltshire (2
miles from Stonehenge). I started crafting about 7 years ago with my mum, but
didn't do much, I then stopped until about 3 years ago. I started crafting
again as my depression and aniexty started to get worse because my health is
bad, I found that doing cards took my mind off things and helps me relax. I
feel I am improving all the time and always willing to learn new things. My
favorite thing that I dont think i could live without is my promarkers
Hi I'm Eithne. I am a "retired" graphic designer and digital printer, at home
minding my two little girls. I live in county Kildare, Ireland. I love colours and paper, which merges over into card making, making albums and other paper items, scrapbooking, photography, crochet and knitting. I also love to bake, and recently discovered another addiction of cake decorating. It's always time for cake ;o) These are my adventures, welcome to the madness! :D
I am a stay at home mum of one gorgeous 4yr old boy, & he certainly keeps me on my toes. I have crafted in some shape or form all my life, I have always loved to draw & paint & I used to do custom murals, back when I had the time lol. I also crochet & scrapbook, but my biggest passions are card making & doing altered canvases. I have been selling my cards for 3yrs now & my canvases & plaques for about 2yrs. It still gives me a buzz that someone wants to buy something I have created.
I am married
to a great guy Malc, lost my job 18 years ago due to ill health and got into
making cards a few years ago to give me something to do.. I love traveling and
driving would drive anywhere as long as its in the UK not interested in going
abroad. We don't have any children.

I started card making about 10 years ago, when i developed alopecia, there was a suggestion it could be due to stress, so i thought i would give it ago as people said it was relaxing.....
I started with a kit or two, then a box, then a small cupboard, well there is no room in the garage for the car now !!!
I'm Net and I've made stuff since I was a little girl. Back then it was making stuff, then it became crafting!
My first love was stamping and colouring. I have to say I've tried most things along the way. I always seem to drift back to colouring things be they stamps or digis. I love trying new techniques, I love the look of these arty painty things but I have to wear gloves to do it!
I live in Yorkshire with my lovely husband, son and our pets.
Well thats the DT and we look forward to seeing you in our first two challenges that run alongside each other as not everyone has access to the lovely Indigo Blu stamps.
See you on the 15th July!